Wednesday 10 November 2010

Reaserch / Design | Media City,

for media city there was only one image on my mind, and that's a building on its own world..
the first thing that popped was the British gas advert,

i find this advert to be a very creative use for such as simple thing. so i drew mine
this is not suppose to look anything like this advert, it was just inspiration.

so i drew a simple base line to get started with, this was the general idea of where i was aiming.
it was going to be gradient colors with basic shapes.

so i began the design and ended up with the following

however i wasn't happy with the way it was ending up. so i slept on it.
and when i woke i thought of another idea, similar to this one using the same colors
however it would be in layers not gradients and here is was i got.

( please ignore the horrid drawings )

it was a simple idea, similar to the own world one up above, however, it was a hand instead and
the fingers was different aspects of media, so i had a little play with photoshop to see how my idea would evolve.

( click for full size )
( quality has been reduced by blogger)

this is still not finished however its a start. the basic idea is what it says from the website, "designed around the specific needs of the creative and digital industries" so each finger represents different media, and the building(s) in the center represent media city. . i have added some boxes in representing buildings
in my photoshop version, however i can't seem to get them to fit in the design as i want.
it wasn't my original idea to have the fingers as rocks. they was suppose to be grass like the rest, but i tried it and I'm happy with it.

the only thing I'm worried about is the fingers. I'm worried that once i fill them all with a different aspect of media, you will not know its a hand. so if this happens i will have to find away around fixing the issue.

Added the version with the boxes to give people a general idea of what i ment

added sand in to extend the arm a bit more, make it seem a little more like a hand, and changed a few more things.

Added another finger and some more modifying. and now my mind has gone blank and i can't think of another media for a finger -_-. god help me.

"*cry*" why couldn't i be a cartoon and have 3 fingers 1 thumb -_-

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