Sunday 28 November 2010

Design | Final Magazine

DP One.

DP Two


These may change anytime, just the finals so far.


  1. Have you considered recolouring the tornado on DPS? ATM is looks like a continuation of the colour DPS. Volvic ad is fab - though I'd consider developing the cloud shape - it reminds me of Sideshow Bob's hair!

  2. yea i agree ill try changing it to a tornado colour, to late to really do anything for hand in tomorrow., i don't like the design trends mag what so ever, i sparked no creative inspiration what so ever with it, and yes the clouds, witch was suppose to be a bubble-like effect from the water erupting, but it went completely wrong, so i just stuck with it, i think its the general shape / texture that needs fixing.

  3. Hey, I do indeed know the designer for that image. His name is Rafael Pequeno. Here's a link
