Wednesday 6 October 2010

Design | Logo Design

This list is of the current logo designs for myself none of them are really complete, just in a state where you can get a general idea of what they logo / icon will look like.

SCRAP LOGOS - a few logos i wasn't interested in, however thought i would add them


LOGO TEN - A simple logo of TEN with the letters reversed. one with out a border box and one with.


LOGO NINE - This was an icon i was going to use without any text, its sort of a pen with slices ( needs a lot of work )


LOGO EIGHT - a simple logo of joint text saying 10rex ( number form ).


LOGO SEVEN - A logo of a pen like object with a bird on the end. lack detail yet * just to give you a general idea of the style *


LOGO SIX - A simple logo also with circles however this has the rising. | a lot more can be done with this logo.


LOGO FIVE - A logo of some sort of plant with a paint bucket at the top.


LOGO FOUR - A simple logo with triangles that interlock each other.


LOGO THREE- A simple Logo with ten (10) circles | a lot more could detail / content could be added


LOGO TWO - Simple Logo with a box with a shader on the selected area, giving a slight 3d effect.


LOGO ONE - A simple logo with joint smooth text connecting each letter.
